This is the shot list we created in planning to help us with the filming of the task:
1) Medium shot of teacher drinking on his break, then getting his phone out. length: 3 seconds
2) Close up of phone showing the time. Length: 2 seconds
3) Birds eye view of the can dropping from the teachers hand. Length: 2 seconds
4) Tilt shot of teacher pacing round the corner . Length: 5 seconds
5) Panning shot of teacher pacing still. Length: 5 seconds
6) Close up of foot splashing puddle. Length: 2 seconds
7) Panning shot of the teacher walking up to the door. Length: 2 seconds
8) Extreme close up of 'push to open button'. length: 2 seconds
9) long shot of the teacher walking down corridor which turns into a low shot. Length: 14 seconds
10) Over the shoulder walking away shot. Length: 3 seconds
11) Birds eye shot of teacher entering door. Length: 4 seconds
12) Extreme close up of door handle opening. length: 2 seconds
13) Panning shot of teacher walking into the room. 2 seconds
14) over the shoulder shot from students view, with dialogue "why are you here" Length: 3 seconds
15) Over the shoulder shot from teachers view showing student worried. Length: 3 seconds
16) Extreme close up and panning shot of teachers eyes. Length: 2 seconds
17) Extreme close up of students lips in black and white, with dialogue "I've done something bad" Length: 2 seconds
18) Slow motion shot of student revealing wallet. Length: 4 seconds
19) Continued slow motion of extreme close up of wallet landing on table. Length: 5 seconds
Thursday, 11 December 2014
Evaluation of Preliminary Task
- Question 1 What planning did you do for your filming task, and how did this planning aid the filming? Think about: camera shots, subject of the conversation and the dramatic moment. You may also include how you used match on action, shot reverse shot, and the importance of continuity (i.e. costume if you filmed over a number of days. If this was a problem on a shoot then include this). Point evidence discuss think about appeal of a variety of shots and also purpose, eg to make a character look insignificant or powerful…..
..... The planning we did for the preliminary task are, we created a list of ideas what we had, our original idea was to have a police investigation interview, where we swapped the stereotypes and made the woman in the wrong. Although this slowly evolved into an idea of a stolen wallet and a conversation of a person confessing then revealing the wallet right at the end for the dramatic moment, this is dramatic as there are no clues on what she has done, all we know is "I've done something bad" until the last moment where she revels the wallet, leaving the audience questioning when the film finishes. We put that section in slow motion to add to the affect and let the audience take in what she has done, another affect we used was fade to black, this was to add sharpness to the specific moment we wanted to be memorable. We chose this idea after group feedback and overall we believe it was a more of an everyday realistic situation, an item being misplaced/stolen. My role in this task was the main character the teacher but also played a vital part in the planning process with the theme of the conversation and the affects we should use. Next up was the location, the location was set already and was on the school premises, the conversation was set in a tight corner to make it seem enclosed and no escape. Once we had our idea we made a list of camera shots we would like to include, these included: birds eye view, close up, extreme close up, over the shoulder shot, a panning shot, a shot reverse shot and a low shot. In our film we used shot reverse shot in the situation of the conversation, this is because a shot reverse shot is any easy way to show two people facing each other. Here is and example of a shot reverse shot.
We used a variety of shots to make it exciting for the audiences. The final stage of planning was creating a shot list, we done this so we had a clear idea or what shot types we were going to use and where, giving a structure to our filming. During our filming we had a slight problem with continuity as I lost the shirt I had from the first day of filming and I couldn't wear one shirt for half of the film and another for for other half as this is not very professional, therefore we had to shoot it all again, fortunately we all had the motivation, to make matters worse while editing our film it got deleted twice but we struggled through it.
- Question 2: What is the 180 degree rule, and how is this rule important to the filming task? Clips from your film or other examples of rule and breaking of it.
..... The 180 degree rule is the rule where the camera can not go past the 180 degree point otherwise it will confuse and disorientate the audience. An example could be in a conversation or a football match, if the camera changed sides you would get confused which way you team is shooting. My group achieved this but not going around the 180 degree point in the conversation when using shot reverse shot. If the camera angle went past the 180 degree point myself and Jess would have swapped sides creating confusion.
- Question 3 What shot types and camera angles did you use in your filming task, and to what effect?
....... The shot types and camera angles we used were: birds eye view, close up, extreme close up, over the shoulder shot, a panning shot, a shot reverse shot, a low shot and a tilt shot. The reason we used a close up is to express the emotion on someone's face giving the emotion the main stage, an extreme close up is the same but pinpoints a certain area like the eyes or the mouth, in our film we used it as an extreme close up of the eyes when both the characters meet, it is such a simple shot but adds great affect showing the characters true emotion, but also gives it a western dual effect. We used a over the shoulder shot to give the audience a sense of the characters setting, the shot reverse shot was used to the same affect although it was to show the audience that there is two people facing each other as well. Furthermore the birds eye shot was used as an establishing shot to show of where the character is, linking back to our preliminary task it was used to show that the main character was about to walk through a door although with this shot you are never certain of what is through that door which builds tension. Moving on we used a low angle tilt shot to give the main character an era of power and show the he is dominate. Our group used a variety of shots to make it exciting and keep the audience engaged.
From the video above, even though our conversation was not a dual it has the makings of one, serious faces, nervousness and most of all uncertainty, I was inspired by the camera angles used in this scene and the expressions of the characters, they were constantly serious which I targeted in our preliminary task. My favourite camera shot in this was the extreme close up of the eyes followed by the camera pin pointing their guns, in our film we pin pointed the wallet.
- What editing skills have you developed? How confident are you with using the editing programme? Give details of specific editing skills/techniques you have developed/improved, and include areas where you lack confidence/need to improve?
..... The skills I have developed are everything to do with the editing programme, before starting media I had no knowledge of how to use the editing programme but now I can happily make my own video with all the basic affects. In my personality I like everything being right with large attention to detail and this reflects in the preliminary task. The specific areas I have improved on is using slow motion and fading the music in and then fading the music out the end, which I thought was done to perfection as it faded at the right time to hear the conversation then had constant gain to the dramatic ending. One area I lack confidence in is getting the right affects into the right place in the film as I'm never to sure where to put affects.
- Feedback
I asked some of my friends out of the media class on what they thought of the video, the positives I got were: the soundtrack made the whole video more dramatic, the short conversation worked perfectly, as we aren't great actors and the variety of camera angles made it an enjoyable watch. Although some negatives I got were: the music tempo didn't match the film at times and the camera was also shaky at times
We used a variety of shots to make it exciting for the audiences. The final stage of planning was creating a shot list, we done this so we had a clear idea or what shot types we were going to use and where, giving a structure to our filming. During our filming we had a slight problem with continuity as I lost the shirt I had from the first day of filming and I couldn't wear one shirt for half of the film and another for for other half as this is not very professional, therefore we had to shoot it all again, fortunately we all had the motivation, to make matters worse while editing our film it got deleted twice but we struggled through it.
- Question 2: What is the 180 degree rule, and how is this rule important to the filming task? Clips from your film or other examples of rule and breaking of it.

- Question 3 What shot types and camera angles did you use in your filming task, and to what effect?
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low shot to show dominance of characters |
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extreme close up of eyes seen in 'The good The Bad And The Ugly' |
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Birds eye view shot |
From the video above, even though our conversation was not a dual it has the makings of one, serious faces, nervousness and most of all uncertainty, I was inspired by the camera angles used in this scene and the expressions of the characters, they were constantly serious which I targeted in our preliminary task. My favourite camera shot in this was the extreme close up of the eyes followed by the camera pin pointing their guns, in our film we pin pointed the wallet.
- What editing skills have you developed? How confident are you with using the editing programme? Give details of specific editing skills/techniques you have developed/improved, and include areas where you lack confidence/need to improve?
..... The skills I have developed are everything to do with the editing programme, before starting media I had no knowledge of how to use the editing programme but now I can happily make my own video with all the basic affects. In my personality I like everything being right with large attention to detail and this reflects in the preliminary task. The specific areas I have improved on is using slow motion and fading the music in and then fading the music out the end, which I thought was done to perfection as it faded at the right time to hear the conversation then had constant gain to the dramatic ending. One area I lack confidence in is getting the right affects into the right place in the film as I'm never to sure where to put affects.
- Feedback
I asked some of my friends out of the media class on what they thought of the video, the positives I got were: the soundtrack made the whole video more dramatic, the short conversation worked perfectly, as we aren't great actors and the variety of camera angles made it an enjoyable watch. Although some negatives I got were: the music tempo didn't match the film at times and the camera was also shaky at times
Friday, 26 September 2014
The Secret Cinema
The Secret Cinema
The Secret Cinema is a film-experience company founded by Fabien Riggall. The whole aim of the secret cinema is to give their audience an unforgetable experience along with a popular film. This is a quote from their website "Secret Cinema is a growing community of all those that love cinema, and experiencing the unknown. Secret audience. Secret film. Secret location. Secret worlds. The time is now to change how we watch films". That quote best describes what The Secret Cinema was created for; to change the way we watch films, instead of sitting at home watching them or sitting in a normal cinema, go out and watch the films you love in a weird and exciting way. I believe the secret cinema appeals to a wide range of audiences becuase it doesnt just involve the film, there is a huge amosphere because people have come from all around the world to come watch this film. To add to the atmosphere people have been known to dress up, for example if star wars was the film, people would come dressed up as the main characters such as luke skywalker, making them feel part of the film and making The Secret Cinema experience unforgettable.
The Secret Cinema is a film-experience company founded by Fabien Riggall. The whole aim of the secret cinema is to give their audience an unforgetable experience along with a popular film. This is a quote from their website "Secret Cinema is a growing community of all those that love cinema, and experiencing the unknown. Secret audience. Secret film. Secret location. Secret worlds. The time is now to change how we watch films". That quote best describes what The Secret Cinema was created for; to change the way we watch films, instead of sitting at home watching them or sitting in a normal cinema, go out and watch the films you love in a weird and exciting way. I believe the secret cinema appeals to a wide range of audiences becuase it doesnt just involve the film, there is a huge amosphere because people have come from all around the world to come watch this film. To add to the atmosphere people have been known to dress up, for example if star wars was the film, people would come dressed up as the main characters such as luke skywalker, making them feel part of the film and making The Secret Cinema experience unforgettable.
Summer Task
This is my Media Studies Summer Task. This Prezi evaluates the camerawork and Mise en Scene in 'Casino Royale' and 'LA Noire' and states some similarities and differences
Thursday, 25 September 2014
Hunger Games Trailer - YouTube
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 - Teaser Trailer
This is a trailer from the up and coming film The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1. This trailer is very unique because even though The Hunger Games is made through a mainstream producer 'Lionsgate' it is not relying on those big names to draw in the crowds, but instead relying on the previous successes of their past films 'The Hunger Games' and 'The Hunger Games: Catching Fire'. This film makes the trilogy complete, but the much awaited 'Part 2' of Mockingjay will hopefully be out next year. This trailer refers to the other films from quotes like, "she never wanted to be in the games" therefore this promotes their previous films. Throughout the trailer the produces use non-diegetic sounds, for example the tense music, creating panic and making the trailer seem rushed as a sense to grab the audiences attention and really make them feel one with the film.
Year 12 Media Studies Student Questionnaire
GCSE Results
English Lit & Lang: C
Maths: B
Food Technology: B
Religious Studies: B
Science Double Award: C & C
The hobbies i enjoy are: Football, Gym and Sailing
Print Media
What newspapers or magazines do you read or dip into and why? for example entertainment, politics, sport, celebrity gossip and so on?
I don't regularly read newspapers or magazines but when i do it will be around the areas of sport.
Do you get this information electronically on social network sites, and if so why?
I mainly get my sport news from Twitter causing me not to have the need to read magazines and newspapers to find it out. I don't have an interest in politics or celebrity gossip but I'll occasionally catch up on the entertainment news on Twitter as well.
Radio Media
What radio stations do you listen to and why?
I'm a fan of listening to Radio 1 and BBC Radio Norfolk. The reason I like to listen to Radio 1 is that it doesn't often play that chart music that everyone is fed up of, but instead it plays new bands, like one of my favourite 'Coasts'. I listen to BBC Radio Norfolk when Norwich City FC play away, I like to listen to their commentary.
Music Industry
What are your favourite genres of music?
My favourite genres of music are: indie rock, indie and alternative.
Do you belong in a band, if so what is your role?
I belong in a band named 'Tidal' we play indie rock music and I am the lead guitarist.
What is your opinion of illegal downloading of music off internet sites?
I have no opinion on illegally downloading music because in ways i see how its bad for the producers on the other hand for the consumer its a quick and easy way off getting the music they love.
Explain how the music industry might influence your dress code, attitudes and aspirations.
The music industry is a massive area, a huge percent of the worlds population look up to it and I believe your favourite artist is one of the biggest role models a person could have. For myself when I was in year 10 music changed my life, i used to like all the recent charts pop songs but one day my brother got me into the indie section of music. For me 'Two Door Cinema' front man Alex Trimble was my role model, my hair style, my dress sense and attitude was shaped around him, he made me want to start a band. The main reason why this happened i believe is that i wanted his success and how everybody loves him.
Video Games
Describe your favourite video game.
I play on a PS4 on occasion and my favourite game is FIFA, this is a football game.
Explain how video games may have a negative effect on attitudes to solution of conflicts.
Video games may have a negative effect on attitudes to the solution of conflicts because after playing games like 'Call Of Duty' and 'Battlefield' people may think that conflict can just be solved through war as those games place that image in their minds due to the constant themes of war.
Social Network Sites
Explain the pros and cons of social networking sites
The two main social networking sites I use are Twitter and Facebook and here is the pros and cons of those. The pros are: it's a quick and simple way of contacting friends, you can find out how distant friends are getting on with life and you can express some feeling about things on mainly twitter. The cons are: social networking sites are full of attention seekers making them all about the likes or the retweets or even posting about their depression and another con is they are just a waste of time I only use Facebook to contact friends.
Which are your favourite television channels and why?
My favourite channels are: BBC 1 because it plays 'Eastenders' and E4 because it plays all my favourite series such as 'The Big Bang Theory' and 'Made In Chelsea'
What is your favourite television genre and why?
I wouldn't say I have a favourite television genre as I watch anything that is on television half the time, such as documentary's, dramas and soaps.
Which are you two favourite television programs and why?
My first favourite television program has to be 'Eastenders' this is because I was brought up watching it every night and I have just grown to like it. My second favourite has to be 'The Big Bang Theory' I never used to like American series until the end of last year until I discovered 'The Big Bang Theory' and I have grown to like them due to their comedy, along with other series like 'How I Met Your Mother'.
Feature Films
Which is your favourite genre and why?
The genre I would say was my favourite has to be action mainly because the film are so grabbing and draw you in so fast but also the fact that there are so many action films to choose from you can never get bored of that genre
Identify 3 films which you consider outstanding.
Three films that I consider are outstanding are: avatar due to the fact that it made me go wow due to the 3D section as it was like nothing I've ever seen before. The second film is 'The Wolf Of Wall Street' mainly due to the brilliant casting of Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill. The last film I consider outstanding is 'Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Part 2' as I think it was the perfect way to end the reign of Harry Potter
How do you generally consume films?
I normally consume films by just watching television and seeing what's on the channels, on occasion I will go to the cinema or watch a DVD to consume them.
Which is your favourite cinema and why?
My favourite cinema has to be 'The Castle Mall VUE' because it is so accessible from where my bus stop is, the price is the same as my next favourite 'Odeon' but its the fact that 'VUE' is closer
Do you prefer to watch films on your own or in a group?
I prefer to watch films in a group in a cinema because there is more atmosphere, but when I'm at home watching a film I prefer watching it alone.
Identify any media texts that has offended you.
The one thing that shot straight to my mind when this question arose was the scandal of Jeremy Clarkson making a racist comment on live television. I never get offended by anything in media but my anger towards him made me feel offended, as there was no need to say such a word on live television
In contrast identify the most interesting media text you have either seen or heard.
The most interesting media text I have heard has to be reports on the Syrian conflict at the time it was happening. When conflicts are happening I grow a love for the details of war and just like watching the news and hearing about what's happening.
Can you identify any text that has altered the way you think about the world?
This is not just one song but 'ALT-J' album 'An Awesome Wave' changed the way I perceived life as it just made me happy when I listened to it and I believe the music I listen to gives me the confidence I have now, without music I believe I would still be that shy boy that never dared to talk.
If you had the opportunity to construct a music video what message would you communicate about what it's like living in England for ordinary people
The bases of the music video would surround the bases of how corrupt Britain is, with things like the government and the whole issue around that, such as the political party UKIP trying to force us out of the EU what is the worst decision ever.
Video Games
Describe your favourite video game.
I play on a PS4 on occasion and my favourite game is FIFA, this is a football game.
Explain how video games may have a negative effect on attitudes to solution of conflicts.
Video games may have a negative effect on attitudes to the solution of conflicts because after playing games like 'Call Of Duty' and 'Battlefield' people may think that conflict can just be solved through war as those games place that image in their minds due to the constant themes of war.
Social Network Sites
Explain the pros and cons of social networking sites
The two main social networking sites I use are Twitter and Facebook and here is the pros and cons of those. The pros are: it's a quick and simple way of contacting friends, you can find out how distant friends are getting on with life and you can express some feeling about things on mainly twitter. The cons are: social networking sites are full of attention seekers making them all about the likes or the retweets or even posting about their depression and another con is they are just a waste of time I only use Facebook to contact friends.
Which are your favourite television channels and why?
My favourite channels are: BBC 1 because it plays 'Eastenders' and E4 because it plays all my favourite series such as 'The Big Bang Theory' and 'Made In Chelsea'
What is your favourite television genre and why?
I wouldn't say I have a favourite television genre as I watch anything that is on television half the time, such as documentary's, dramas and soaps.
Which are you two favourite television programs and why?
My first favourite television program has to be 'Eastenders' this is because I was brought up watching it every night and I have just grown to like it. My second favourite has to be 'The Big Bang Theory' I never used to like American series until the end of last year until I discovered 'The Big Bang Theory' and I have grown to like them due to their comedy, along with other series like 'How I Met Your Mother'.
Feature Films
Which is your favourite genre and why?
The genre I would say was my favourite has to be action mainly because the film are so grabbing and draw you in so fast but also the fact that there are so many action films to choose from you can never get bored of that genre
Identify 3 films which you consider outstanding.
Three films that I consider are outstanding are: avatar due to the fact that it made me go wow due to the 3D section as it was like nothing I've ever seen before. The second film is 'The Wolf Of Wall Street' mainly due to the brilliant casting of Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill. The last film I consider outstanding is 'Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Part 2' as I think it was the perfect way to end the reign of Harry Potter
How do you generally consume films?
I normally consume films by just watching television and seeing what's on the channels, on occasion I will go to the cinema or watch a DVD to consume them.
Which is your favourite cinema and why?
My favourite cinema has to be 'The Castle Mall VUE' because it is so accessible from where my bus stop is, the price is the same as my next favourite 'Odeon' but its the fact that 'VUE' is closer
Do you prefer to watch films on your own or in a group?
I prefer to watch films in a group in a cinema because there is more atmosphere, but when I'm at home watching a film I prefer watching it alone.
Identify any media texts that has offended you.
The one thing that shot straight to my mind when this question arose was the scandal of Jeremy Clarkson making a racist comment on live television. I never get offended by anything in media but my anger towards him made me feel offended, as there was no need to say such a word on live television
In contrast identify the most interesting media text you have either seen or heard.
The most interesting media text I have heard has to be reports on the Syrian conflict at the time it was happening. When conflicts are happening I grow a love for the details of war and just like watching the news and hearing about what's happening.
Can you identify any text that has altered the way you think about the world?
This is not just one song but 'ALT-J' album 'An Awesome Wave' changed the way I perceived life as it just made me happy when I listened to it and I believe the music I listen to gives me the confidence I have now, without music I believe I would still be that shy boy that never dared to talk.
If you had the opportunity to construct a music video what message would you communicate about what it's like living in England for ordinary people
The bases of the music video would surround the bases of how corrupt Britain is, with things like the government and the whole issue around that, such as the political party UKIP trying to force us out of the EU what is the worst decision ever.
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